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Shenzhen fan road to teach you how to decide jewelry display ark glass quality is good or bad?

Source:珠宝展示柜厂家    Author:凡路商业展示    Visit:663    Pubtime:2017-09-20 13:07:25

Display cabinet as the display platform of jewelry products, its choice importance is also quite important.The jewelry display cabinet is also the most luxurious in the display case, so we should not only choose the jewelry booth, but also the quality of the products.

The quality of the jewelry display cabinet is the necessary skill for every jewelry merchant.If you are a middleman or custom jewelry display for your BOSS, you should ensure the quality of the display.

So how can you quickly see the quality of the jewelry display case?Today, I will teach you the quality of the glass from the jewelry display.

1. Look at the type of glass

Look at the glass case of the jewelry display case is super white glass or ordinary glass.Ordinary glass contains more impurities, which may appear green or bluish, which can affect the products.Ultra - white wave transmittance is very high, bright and impurities, can best display the high quality of the jewelry and fine original appearance.The superwhite glass after steel is not only safe and durable, but also has a unique advantage in the display of product features.

2. Look at the edge of the glass

The glass edge of fine grinding is smooth and delicate, the ordinary grind edge is careful to see can have sawtooth, seriously affect the whole quality of the display ark, the class of display ark is pulled low, the jewelry of display also can be overshadowed.Jewelry display ark belongs to high-grade display ark, the glass process must use the fine grind ability to present the high-end temperament.

3. Look at the glass

The glass of the jewelry display ark should be used without shadow glue, cannot produce air bubble after sticking, in order to guarantee the noble gas field of the display ark, highlight the charm of jewelry.

This article is provided by the direct selling manufacturer of all road jewelry display cabinets: 20 years of experience in display cabinet design for jewelry stores, which will help you to improve your brand value quickly.

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