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Shop jewelry display ark around the light why best is the cold light source spotlights?

Source:深圳珠宝展柜厂家    Author:凡路商业展柜    Visit:302    Pubtime:2018-04-17 10:10:27

Many people in the shop or supermarket, have experienced the feeling, in turn after a long time, the feeling is very hot, and in front of a jewelry counter, when choosing goods time grew, sweating, sometimes the causes of the air conditioning and walking, but also has the factors of light, because there are many source of light around the perimeter of the display case, they will be send out quantity of heat, so the store to decorate it is best to use the cold light source, don't use a lot of light energy consumption.

Wang will have such experience, have a girlfriend and in front of a store jewelry counter, choose jewelry for a girlfriend, but after sit down, it didn't feel sweating up after a while, the original head jewelry there are a lot of exposure on the headlight, heat dissipating capacity is very big, and I will be very fat, his under the illuminate of lamplight, sweat, and, if the strong energy intensive lamplight illuminate for a long time, customers at a touch display counter is hot, and the light is very dazzling, in fact, many stores are now installed lamp cold light source, because it is energy saving, and the result is right also, very accord with energy conservation, and environmental protection requirements.

Energy-saving concept is very popular now, such as when we were in the open air conditioning, all didn't want to open to advocate the summer temperature is too low, open not to high temperature in the winter, is beneficial to energy saving, however, some stores in the use of high-energy ultraviolet lamp, they produce a quantity of heat also is very big, will waste energy, in some places has imposed restrictions on the use of energy intensive light policy, strengthen the promotion use cold light lamp, sometimes there is no need to use the lights of the high strength and high quantity of heat, cold light lamp can meet the market demand, also can let a guest from the hardship of hot, can also be energy efficient, its price is cheaper than the energy-intensive, and installation costs are low, so many benefits, why not apply.

Many stores have learned about the benefits of cold light, they are already refitting the cold light, and the display of the display case will be better off against the cold light.

This article is provided by shenzhen Funroad jewelry display cabinet direct selling manufacturer: 20 years of jewelry store display cabinet design experience, 2018 will help you to rapidly improve the brand value.

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